Wednesday, 23 October 2013

This is some of the work that 2G produced this week. We looked closely at some of the things that we found in the playground last week and made studies of them in water colours.
Well done to everyone for spending time mixing colour and experimenting with different kinds of line that can be made with a brush.


Its interesting that they are all so different, some very bold and graphic and some more delicate.

We also made some labels to describe some of the objects that we found. 

This week was 5S's turn to make maps influenced by decorative Tudor maps and also some modern maps.

Look closely at the maps - there is so much detail. Some maps featured lots of fun things do like roller-coaster rides and theme parks, and in some you could get all kinds of sweets and nice things to eat. Other maps were more scary or were based on challenges and levels like a computer game.

5S also made some wonderful prints inspired by Tudor fabrics. These will be turned into ruffs and used in our Tudor portraits in a couple of weeks.

Well done 5S you produced some beautiful prints and some fascinating maps.

The Big Draw Exhibition

The East Wickham Juniors and Welling sixth-former's drawings from the Big Draw project were installed in the Welling School gallery. 

Monday, 21 October 2013

You are all warmly invited to the private view of the Big Draw exhibition 2013
at the Berwick Road Gallery, Welling School on Wednesday 23rd October, 3.15 - 5.15pm.
Come and see your work in the exhibition!

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

This week year 5 were looking at Tudor maps and creating their own maps of how they would like the area around their school to look. 5M created some very exciting places!

We also looked at Tudor ruffs and the intricate patterns in the fine embroidery called 'blackwork'. From these we created our own designs which we printed on strips of paper. These will be used to construct our own ruffs featuring our personal designs. 

The prints were absolutely beautiful! Well done 5M.

This week in 2G we started our 3 week project all about maps.
We looked at different kinds of maps..
and thought about what kinds of information they have in them.

Some were quite different, like this painting of an island,

or this one which is of a sleeping dog dreaming about where to chase squirrels!
We went into the playground to lay trails of our own..

and to make collections of as many different things as we could find - leaves, berries, stones, twigs, wrappers...even lost hairbands. These collections are going to be part of a big map that we'll be working on over the next two weeks which will be a map of Found Things from our playground.
Here are just of the items that we found...
We looked at them closely and began to sort them into similar shapes, materials, colours, size and found interesting ways to present them... in piles..

in trails..

in interesting patterns and shapes...

Next week, we will be looking even more closely at the things we found and making detailed drawings and water colour paintings of them.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

The Big Draw

As part of the Big Draw campaign, we had an amazing day last Friday with the whole of year 3 and some brilliant sixth formers from Welling School.
It was HUGE fun and we made a HUGE map of it is in reality and as it exists in the weird and wonderful imaginations of everyone who took part.
This was the beginning of a two day Big Draw, and we will be back next Friday to add to it...if we can find some space!

We returned the following week for more of 

The Big Draw

This time, with the amazing year 4's and year 6's and some more talented sixth formers from Welling School. The theme was to draw Welling in the future, imagining a life among the clouds above Welling High Street. The students made some more beautiful and highly imaginative drawings,
exploring all sorts of ideas about how life could look in the future. 

Well done and thank you to everyone for helping to make the Welling School and East Wickham Big Draw a memorable one!
The drawings will be installed in an exhibition at the Berwick Road Gallery in Welling next Wednesday 23rd October 20013, so please come along to have a look.